​Hi I'm Sharna,

The Empoweress

I am a spiritual empowerment coach and I use spiritual tools to empower women to step into their true identity with confidence and self-authority enabling them to change the status quo and make a greater impact in the world.

I help women who want the empowerment to take control of their lives and feel fulfilled and liberated.
Women who want to reclaim their confidence, self-authority and sovereign identity by connecting and aligning with their Higher Power, enabling them to create a world where anything is possible, and dreams come true.

Working with me will enable you to find self-worth, unshakeable confidence, empowerment and self-authority enabling you to create and manifest a life on your terms.

This is accomplished by connecting and aligning you with your Higher Potential and Personal Power through my BRAVE ACTIONS™ personal development model and my Vibrational Matrix Therapy™

It's time to stop the negative self-talk, feeling like you're never good enough and a failure and reclaim your self-love, power and magnificence. It's time to model life leadership.

Are you ready to change your life and find real substance and meaning as a unique and valuable individual? Then look no further! I am here to facilitate your holistic empowerment & self-actualization through self love, deep spiritual connection and practical skills.

Claim back your connection to soul, higher truth, power & purpose by- Returning Within


13 Module Online Training and Self Development Program


  • Access to your own online membership portal for life
  • 12 modules of training*, including tasks to perform, projects to create, meditations to connect, journalling therapy and clearing audios all designed for you to gain self-authority and empowerment
  • Powerful belief clearing audios using Vibrational Matrix Therapy™ (see below)
  • Personal development strategies via the TRANSCEND into BRAVE ACTIONS™ model (see below)
  • Access to on-line forum and community hub
  • Plus, a bonus introduction module with specific exercises and audios to help you clear any resistance you may be facing and prepare for the full program

*This is a self-paced program however, each module is designed to be completed within 1 week each. Ideally, the program will take 12weeks to complete


Training videos

Grounding and protection meditations

Specialized meditations to reconnect with your inner self

Journalling therapy exercises with prompts

Exercises to gain clarity on who you are, what you value, what your boundaries are, what you stand for

Projects to create and implement your play book of life

Vibrational Matrix audios to release and heal restrictions and subconscious patterns

All components are short and to the point - see Example Curriculum


  • Hierarchy of needs & pillars of identity
  • Perception & subconscious programming
  • Values & cognitive dissonance
  • Living consciously & integrity
  • Self-acceptance & responsibility
  • Assertiveness & purpose
  • Integrity, authenticity & congruency
  • Free will & intentional living
  • Appreciation, alignment & personal power


If you want to feel less insecure or inferior around others

If you want to ditch the imposter syndrome, have confidence to speak up and be more authentic

If you like the idea of taking control of your life and consciously creating outcomes on your terms

If you're interested in creating solid foundations that allow you to accomplish and thrive in life

If you're seeking fulfilment, joy, abundance, peace, love

If you would like to finally let go of drama, over-thinking, stress, anxiety, depression, bad habits


  • Let go of drama
  • Be calm and stress free
  • Be more present and enjoy the moment
  • Have more order and control of your life
  • Rediscover your true self
  • Establish boundaries and easily implement them
  • Flip your negative mindset
  • Find a deeper connection and fulfillment
  • Become your own cheerleader
  • Have courage, confidence and liberation
  • Become dedicated to your sacred self
  • Emanate power, respect and humility


Be forgiving & understanding

Be organized and set up for success

Know how to identify and release inner wounding and resistance

Have heightened self-awareness

Be able to speak up, share points of view and say no

Relieved of anger, frustration, anxiety & emotional upheaval

Have a sense of safety & belonging

Be confident in yourself and your abilities

Have a sense of reassurance

Increased esteem, self-value & worth & demonstrate self-respect

Set achievements for yourself and easily take action on goals

Become a role model, leader and inspiration with integrity


  • Acceptance that you are responsible for your life
  • Acceptance that nothing will change until you change it
  • Willing to commit time to yourself and your development
  • Open to new concepts and stretch yourself a little
  • Want to live more consciously and purposefully
  • Want to create life on your terms and thrive






When we TRANSCEND, we rise above any hidden 

trauma and resistance holding us back from being

who we want to be.

We regain our own authority and heal and repair

any neglect we have carried out on ourselves.

Our safety concerns that have brought about

uncertainty or anxiety are eased.

Unwavering confidence is built along with a strong

sense of self-esteem where all your emotional 

needs are satisfied and a strong knowing

of deserving all that life has to offer ensues.

  •  Balance - achieved through specific meditations, tasks and projects
  •  Release - over 100 limiting beliefs released through powerful audios
  •  Align - to the higher part of you with advanced meditations and journaling
  •  Validate – lessons to build pride, confidence, freedom and leadership
  •  Encourage - inner child connection work to nurture and build confidence

  •  Accountable - clearing enables the release of blame and denial
  •  Connect - releasing inhibitions enables deeper relationships
  •  Trust - mind mastery tasks enable you to build trust and confidence
  •  Inner Self - journal exercises enable an in-depth self-knowing
  •  Observe- clearing provides more self-awareness and compassion
  •  Navigate - through any life changes with ease and confidence
  •  Success - develop an unwavering assumption of deserving




This clearing method is a revolutionary channeled modality and is non evasive or dependent on the recipient having to recall and remember details of their past.

It is as easy to do as listening to your favorite music on your phone as the clearing is done in meditation style audios and requires only for you to be in a relaxed environment and willing state.

Throughout the clearing audios you will be always fully grounded and safe, with your spiritual team working behind the scenes, energetically clearing and healing the blocks and restrictions of the past. The results are often immediate and noticed as a change in attitude or feeling differently about situations and they are focused on issues like, confidence, self-acceptance, esteem and self-authority.

This method reaches into the vast recesses of your soul and removes anything relevant to the issue being addressed at the time, enabling you to transcend the status quo of human conditioning and enable you to align with your higher wisdom and Divine empowerment.

The results of this are short of miraculous as they can bring about a complete change in attitude because when you are cleared of the hurt, you are no longer triggered by things, so you don't get frustrated, stressed, angry (as an example) and you no longer have insecurities holding you back.




  • Powerful BRAVE ACTIONS™ self-development model
  • 12 Lessons to give you knowledge, higher understanding and compassion
  • 24 Meditations to help you connect and protect your energy. Each one building on the last
  • 12 Journalling work prompts
  • 14 Vibrational Matrix™ clearing audios
  • 12 Exercises to complete
  • 6 Specialized meditations for heightened connection and self-care
  • 12 Projects to really get in control, be organized and live life on your terms
  • Plus a bonus downloadable MP3 versions of the Vibrational Matrix™ clearings
  • 2nd additional bonus subliminal version of each MP3 set to upbeat, inspirational music




Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 1
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 2
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 3
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 4
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 5
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 6
Available in days
days after you enroll
  Week 7
Available in days
days after you enroll



I know you're really keen to enroll and get started but I want to run something past you first...

I have an exclusive offer for you, only available on this page

You see, my dream is to help you get the most out of this program and really reap the benefits and become fulfilled and liberated with the ability to create life how you want it

So that is why I am offering you this exclusive invitation to my

6 Week Coaching & Support Group

Join other like-minded women in making the most out of this program and really hit the ground running

Together we will go through trainings, Q&A, belief shifting work, hot seat coaching and more

We are dedicated to getting you results and keeping you accountable, therefore these group support sessions are held at several different times during the week via zoom. A registration link will be in your coaching portal, you simply pick which time suits and join. Each session runs for 45-60mins and is recorded and uploaded straight into your coaching portal so you never have to go searching.

An example timetable for the week would be:

Monday @10am

Wednesday @ 11am

Thursday @ 4pm

A 6 week coaching package normally sells for $997

But for this one time only, I'm offering it for only an additional $698 - That's a saving of $299!!!

Benefits of joining the support group:

  • You will be exposed to and learn from other questions and viewpoints that you hadn't considered
  • Reinforces the teachings set out in the program and show you different ways of applying the techniques
  • Ensures motivation is kept at a high level and is maintained for the duration of the support time
  • Higher rate of understanding and retention of the lessons and techniques in the program
  • Social connections, sense of belonging, holding space, compassion and understanding are all integral parts of the group dynamic as we lift each other up to create life on our terms
  • You can re-join anytime and enjoy the benefits of this empowering community

More Success with Group Coaching than DIY

✔ Studies show that group coaching is a powerful and more effective technique for accelerated progress in participants

✔ Group coaching enhances and motivates commitment to finish the on-line program for maximum improvement and implementation of the subject matter

✔ Personal interaction within a group community builds trust, sense of belonging, compassion & forgiveness, hope and integrity. These all help an individual to thrive


Frequently Asked Questions

When are the calls held?

Upon purchasing coaching, you'll receive further instructions on how to book into one of the weekly coaching calls. There are several different times available during the week. You can join one or all of them

What if I can't attend a time?

Questions can be submitted prior to a group call and calls are recorded and placed in the couching portal to view at a time suitable to you

Can I pause my program?

Unfortunately, no. However, if you find yourself in a unique circumstance and you would like to discuss, please contact us